Got a pension? HMRC may owe you £3000+ in overpaid tax
Got a pension? HMRC may owe you £3000+ in overpaid tax
Posted by Karen Jones on July 26, 2024

If you have taken money from your pension pot, there’s a chance that HMRC could owe you over £3,000 in overpaid tax.

Not claiming Child Benefit? You could be damaging your state pension
Not claiming Child Benefit? You could be damaging your state pension
Posted by Karen Jones on July 24, 2024

If you are in the High Income Child Benefit Charge bracket, not claiming child benefit can be a costly mistake as you maybe putting your state pension at risk.

Money Purchase Annual Allowance (MPAA) – watch out for the pension tax trap!
Money Purchase Annual Allowance (MPAA) – watch out for the pension tax trap!
Posted by Laurence Sanderson on July 12, 2024

Money Purchase Annual Allowance (MPAA) – you will need to take this into account when assessing the tax relief available on pensions.

Tapered Annual Allowance, Pensions and Carry Forward..
Tapered Annual Allowance, Pensions and Carry Forward..
Posted by Laurence Sanderson on July 1, 2024

Understanding what tapered annual allowance is and how carry forward works should help you assess what can be done to minimise the loss of tax relief on your pension.

HMRC incorrectly refunds Class 2 NIC payments
HMRC incorrectly refunds Class 2 NIC payments
Posted by Karen Jones on May 2, 2024

A glitch in HMRC’s systems has seen some Class 2 NIC payments wrongly refunded . Also, HMRC launches a new National Insurance online service.

Death, Taxes and Change – are your nominations up to date?
Death, Taxes and Change – are your nominations up to date?
Posted by Kevin Wheeler on April 15, 2024

The two constant things in life are death and taxes. In this blog we look at the importance of keeping your nominations up to date.

Payroll outsourcing: is it worth it?
Payroll outsourcing: is it worth it?
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on March 28, 2024

As businesses grow, many start to look at outsourcing their payroll. We look at whether payroll outsourcing is worth it.

Pension tracing service – how to track down your old pension pots
Pension tracing service – how to track down your old pension pots
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on March 18, 2024

Trace your old pensions – in this day and age it’s very rare for many to stay in a job for life. We explain how to find your old pensions.

Pensions and tax – a great way to save!
Pensions and tax – a great way to save!
Posted by Kevin Wheeler on March 13, 2024

Pensions and tax reliefs go hand in hand and are the best way to provide for your retirement. We look at the options available from age 55.

Nominee Drawdown facility (NDF) – does your pension have one?
Nominee Drawdown facility (NDF) – does your pension have one?
Posted by Kevin Wheeler on February 23, 2024

Have you checked your pension plan recently? Here we look into pension arrangements with a “Nominee Drawdown facility” or “NDF”.

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